Saturday, February 10, 2007

The False Security of the Religionist...

Reality TV is huge. People who watch reality TV are supposed to feel like they are being let in on real relationships, real drama, real life, real, authentic situations faced by real, authentic people. Groups who study generational trends say that the main thing that the younger generations want is authenticity because authenticity lessens the sense of vulnerability. In other words, reality equals security. Personally, I think everyone wants authenticity and everyone wants security. So… being real is “in.”

The sad truth is that authenticity is very hard to come by. Even in churches. And that’s the problem. This is precisely what Paul addresses in Romans 2:17-29. Specifically, he says that circumcision of the flesh does not make a real Jew – rather circumcision of the heart. (vs. 25-27) Paul is speaking directly to the Jews who believed they had an authentic relationship with God based on the outward act of circumcision and the outward appearance of following God’s law. Not gonna’ do it, Paul says. What matters is the heart. You can clean up the outside and be hiding all kinds of filth on the inside. It’s called being phony!

Of course, this is not just about Jews in Paul’s day. It’s about you and me today. It’s fair to substitute “Christian” or “churchgoer” for “Jew” in this passage, and “baptism” or “church member” for “circumcision.” A fair interpretation of the passage might be something like this:

“You call yourself a Christian and you’re so sure you’re right with God because you were baptized as a baby and you went to Sunday School and you went to AWANA too and one time you had a strong emotional feeling and gave your life to Christ. You go to church and Bible Study a even serve on a committee and you brag to yourself that you’re not like your friends and co-workers who don’t understand the Bible and live for the party scene.

“But so what if you’ve been baptized? Has there been a real change in your life? Do you have a real, authentic, internal relationship with God that changes your external life automatically? Has your heart truly been affected? What kind of person are you when nobody is watching? Are you real with yourself? Are you real with God? Are you really secure?”

Honestly, we are so whacked out by sin in our culture, that we have a terrible time allowing Truth to permeate us sometime. Do you understand what this passage is saying? It’s saying that a lot of religious people who call themselves Christians spend their entire lives as phonies. Some are easy to spot, others not so easy. Getting real is actually pretty simple. It’s about telling God frankly and sincerely who you are, rather than whom you think you should be. Forget reality TV. Until you’re real before God, He can’t begin the work of changing you into who you should be. And until you’re who you should be in Christ, you can accomplish nothing for Him. In essence, until and unless you are real. . . you are a fake! And your security in Christ is artificial too.

– Pastor Mark

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