Saturday, September 03, 2005


Blueprints . . .

Crane Chapel’s Rebuilding Committee is becoming quite familiar with blueprints. The beauty and design of a blueprint is that it pre-thinks and plans out the details of a building so the end result is a stable building that performs the way it was intended. It would be inadvisable -- even foolish -- to construct a building without the specifications of a blueprint.

In the Word of God we have a blueprint to help us build-up and bless those around us. We are blessed ourselves when we follow the blueprint laid out in God’s Word. Scriptures teach us how to be godly men and women who are the “salt” and flavor in our society for Jesus Christ. It is very precious to God when we have godly attitudes. Our marriages, our homes, our jobs, our churches, and our society are all affected. When we have the right attitude, we are living the kind of lives that God intended.

Our hearts feel the pain and loss suffered by those in the Southern part of our country this last week. When we are tempted to say, “Where is God in this mess?” we need to -- by faith -- take heart in a loving and faithful God who is in control of every detail and can bring order out of chaos. God demonstrated this often throughout His Word. In Romans we read about “goodness and severity.” Both can lead mankind to repentance. We pray for God to increase His family through this tragedy. We also pray for comfort and strength to all those involved in the situation.

We Serve a Faithful and Loving God!
- The Goossens

P.S. David and Nancy Matt were such a blessing to us this last week. We are truly thankful for their ministry to Crane and the way they are allowing God to use them as “salt” in their lives today in Indiana.

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